
U.S. Ambassador to Israel: 'Signs indicate Hamas commander has been eliminated'

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Liu informed representatives of the American Jewish community that there is a high probability Israel has successfully eliminated Mohammed Deif.

Israel gives Lazzarini names of 100 UNRWA workers with Hamas ties

The list provided to Lazzarini includes names, ID numbers, and "military ID" numbers of these employees, with a demand for their immediate dismissal.

Gallant reports: 60% of Hamas militants killed or wounded in conflict

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant addressed the Knesset plenary session on Wednesday, July 10, stating that 60% of Hamas terrorists have been killed or disabled.

IDF eliminates Hamas weapons smuggler Wissam Abu Ashak

In addition, the IAF targeted a launch site in the Rafah area, destroying rockets ready for launch

Inside Sde Teiman: Detainees report abuse, IDF responds to allegations

Alla Gavrilova spoke with a paramedic who, during reserve duty, served for several days at the Sde Teiman base, both as a guard in the prison section and in the hospital

IDF eliminated prominent Hamas weapons developer

A number of strikes were carried out across Gaza over the past day to destroy tunnel shafts and cells of gunmen

Natalia Casarotti's journey after losing her son Keshet in the Nova Festival massacre

Natalia Casarotti, mother of Keshet Casarotti, who was killed in the Nova music festival massacre, honors her son's memory through various projects and actively shares her story to ensure the victims are remembered while supporting other affected families