Minister of National Heritage Amihai Eliyahu has urged his government colleagues to oust Ronen Bar, the head of the General Security Service (Shin Bet).

As reported by Kan, Eliyahu made this call in a WhatsApp group of government ministers. "The one who bears direct and obvious responsibility for the colossal failure on Simchat Torah, allowing security breaches near the Prime Minister’s house the day before, must step down," Minister Eliyahu wrote.

He further emphasized that it's unacceptable for current heads of defense structures to appoint individuals to crucial positions, as those appointed are likely to adhere to the same flawed strategies as their predecessors.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Aliyah and Integration Ofir Sofer advised against making decisions in such a manner during wartime. "We're facing a tough period. While disagreements may arise, they should be handled with care," he stated.