
Survey reveals declining trust in Israeli army, strong support for Ultra-Orthodox draft

On Wednesday, July 17, Maariv newspaper published the results of a survey conducted by the Institute for Jewish People Policy.

Ultra-Orthodox vs. Ben Gvir: Coalition Crisis Deepens

The ultra-Orthodox parties are sharply criticizing National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir after the amended version of the "rabbis bill" was removed from the agenda.

IDF prepared to draft fewer than 5,000 Yeshiva students

Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon criticized the IDF's position on conscripting ultra-Orthodox individuals.

Shas Party's 'Rabbis Law' withdrawn amid coalition dispute

The "Rabbis Law," promoted by the Shas party, was withdrawn from a first reading vote in the Knesset after it became clear the coalition did not have a majority.

Ultra-religious protesters block Highway 4 during rush hour

The demonstrators obstructed the road near the Givat Shmuel interchange, commonly known as the Coca-Cola Bridge.

IDF to establish religious female combat unit with rabbi's support

The Rabbi's decision came after learning that approximately 350 girls, including those from religious backgrounds, are slated to be drafted into combat roles this year.

Rabbis criticize IDF for eliminating head of kashrut department

The kashrut department has ensured kosher food for hundreds of thousands of mobilized reservists, many of whom adhere to kosher dietary laws.