Haredi draft

IDF prepared to draft fewer than 5,000 Yeshiva students

Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon criticized the IDF's position on conscripting ultra-Orthodox individuals.

Ultra-religious protesters block Highway 4 during rush hour

The demonstrators obstructed the road near the Givat Shmuel interchange, commonly known as the Coca-Cola Bridge.

Rabbi Moshe Maya: Military service forbidden also for Haredim who don't study in yeshiva

The High Court of Justice’s oredered the army to begin drafting hitherto exempted Haredi yeshiva students

Hanan Ben Ari urges religious brothers: 'Join the IDF, we need you!'

Addressing his ultra-religious brethren directly, Ben Ari emphasized his love and respect for them.

Lapid: Everyone who votes for conscription law is an accomplice to crime

Opposition leader, Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid), criticized the government for advancing the draft law.

Defense Minister Gallant to vote against Haredi army draft exemption bill

Several other Likud members are also considering opposing the bill, while all opposition members are expected to vote against it

Religious Zionism leaders disagree with ultra-Orthodox conscription law

A group of national religious rabbis, recognizable by their "knitted yarmulkes," penned an appeal to Israeli politicians.