Municipal Elections

Second round of municipal elections concludes

The voter turnout was 44%, nearly 10% lower than in the first round of elections.

Everything you need to know about the second round of municipal elections

70 candidates are vying for leadership positions in the 35 municipalities and local councils that failed to elect a mayor or council head during the municipal elections on February 27.

Final voter turnout for municipal elections in Israel: 53.8%

On Sunday, March 3, the commission monitoring municipal elections released the final voter turnout statistics.

Second round of municipal elections set for March 10 in undecided settlements

According to the law, if no candidate secures over 40% of the votes in a municipality head election with more than two candidates, a second round of elections is required.

Local election voting comes to a close

Approximately 7.2 million Israeli citizens were eligible to vote, yet less than 50% exercised this right.

Prison voting sees 49% turnout

Throughout the day, 61 polling stations were operational in penitentiary institutions.

Voter turnout reaches 40.8% in municipal elections by 7:00 p.m.

By 7 p.m., voter turnout in local elections reached 40.8%, as reported by the All-Israel Election Monitoring Center, marking an increase from 49.2% in 2018.