
Hezbollah announces death of former Nasrallah bodyguard

Yasser Qarnabashwas reportedly responsible “or transporting personnel and weapons to Syria

Nasrallah: 'Hezbollah's invasion of the Galilee remains on the table'

Hezbollah's leader also threatened Cyprus for the first time, saying the terror group could target its infrastructure in case of a war

Hamas and Hezbollah declare readiness to fight Israel 'no matter the sacrifices'

Head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, met with the deputy of Hamas leader in Gaza, Khalil al-Hayya, in Beirut

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah delivers unplanned speech: 'Israel is on brink of abyss'

The head of Lebanon's Hezbollah says it won't stop shelling north until Israel ends Gaza's "aggression"

Nasrallah justifies Hezbollah's destruction of Lebanon with fake figures of attacks on IDF

Avichay Adraee, the head of the Arab media division of the IDF Spokesperson's Unit, criticized the leader of the terror group

Hassan Nasrallah: 'Hezbollah's actions on the border exhaust Israel'

It is believed that his speech is intended to justify the losses suffered by the terror organization